Books in Slovene

Aleksander J. Potočnik

Po sledeh Erwina Rommla

In this book in Slovenian language the author describes the role that German military leader Erwin Rommel played during the First World, especially during the breaking of the Italian front line in 1917. Through words, photos, maps and illustrations this book describes in detail his amazing achievements. The book is very much a Slovenian version of the English language book »Erwin Rommel's Blue Max: or Just what did Rommel do to deserve the highest Ge [...]

Published by: Ad Pirum , 2013

Branko Drekonja, Aleksander J. Potočnik

Po sledeh Ernesta Hemingwaya

Original, Slovenian language version of the Hemingway's Trail: Of the Novel A Farewell to Arms that work focuses on the period which has, due to its historic and epic dimensions, marked profoundly and quite possibly forever the valley of the Soca River, or Isonzo, as it is usua [...]

Published by: Ad Pirum , 2009

Aleksander J. Potočnik

Rupnikova linja

Odkrivanje utrdb ob rapalski meji

In its basic framework this book follows author's groundbreaking work "Rupnikova linija in Alpski zid" published in 2004. But it brings many new details and witness memories. Some details about the location and extensions of fortification works , quoted then only as presumptions, are now listed as established facts. There's also an account about change of attitude towards fortification heritage that took place during the last five years and description of tourism [...]

Published by: Ad Pirum , 2009

Aleksander J. Potočnik

Rupnikova linija in Alpski zid

Utrjevanje rapalske meje med letoma 1932 in 1941

The first ever comprehensive work about fortifications along the former border between then kingdoms of Yugoslavia and Italy. After receiving some valuable archive material via SiteO web site from its chief director, American historian and writer, Joe Kaufmann, Jankovič Potočnik was able to explore the remnants of the former Yugoslav defence line built in years 1935-1941 against fascist Italy and Germany. Presently located on the territory of the republic of Slovenia this fortified system s [...]

Published by: Galerija 2 , 2004

Aleksander J. Potočnik

Slovenian Fortifications

A Guide to Fortifications in Slovenia and Surrounds

Printed in colours and in bilingual version (English and Slovenian language) Slovenian Fortifications is a comprehensive and easily readable overview of systematic fortification of the area covering present day Slovenia and its surrounds. It covers periods from Roma era to present. It covers fortification systems such as the Claustra Alpium iuliarum, the Rupnik Line and the Vallo Alpino, the network of anti-Ottoman fortifications and the ring of forts surrounding [...]

Published by: Ad Pirum , 2008

Aleksander J. Potočnik

The Ring of Wire

Fortifications Around Ljubljana 1942-1945

This bilingual book (English and Slovenian) describes the unusual fortifications erected around Slovenian capitol of Ljubljana by Italians in 1942. The ring of wire, defended by brick-built machine-gun bunkers was supposed to defend the city against the partizans (resistance movement) as well as to contain the city’s population. Taken over by Germans in 1943 It virtually transformed the city into a large concentration camp. The citizens enthusiastically dismantl [...]

Published by: Ad Pirum , 2006